Wild Animals
Posted by Jyllian on July 18th, 2005 filed in doingsWe went to the zoo. The Bean was fabulous (only one time trying to run away and I just sat down and got her to look at me and told her we’d have to go if she ran off, that she didn’t have to hold my hand, but she had to stay close, and she did, when she wasn’t riding in the wagon) but the day was too hot. It had to have popped over 100 in all that concrete easily.
She also went up to some cute little kids speaking spanish and said “hola girl, como estas.” Hee, I taught her to say, “Hola chica” and she said that a lot afterwards.
She insisted on taking her Blue backpack and her Thomas lunch box. She must have her juice water in her lunch box when I pick her up at camp each day. The older kids have lunch boxes and she really wants to stay for lunch and use a lunch box, but she’s not ready to stay that late I don’t think, so she gets to use a lunch box like the ‘bigger girls and bigger boys” when I pick her up.
At the end she turned towards us and said “Ok, that’s enough animals now I think.” Hot as we were we almost died laughing. I love the funny adult bits that make it into her phrases.
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